Tutor Potential


🌟 Welcome to Tutor Potential Summer Camps! 🌞 🌟

Where education meets empowerment in a nurturing and inspiring environment. Our unique blend of academic enrichment, personal growth, and holistic wellness ignites the spark of curiosity, cultivates confidence, and unlocks the full potential within each child.

👩‍🏫 Kindergarten Readiness Summer Camp | PA
📆 [Mon-Fri 9am-5pm]
🗓️ [June 24- Aug 30]
🏫 Location: 3145 West Jefferson St. Philadelphia, PA 19121
🎉 Price: $250/week After May 15th | $200/week Before May 15th
🌟 Prepare your child for Kindergarten with vibrant counselors!

🚀 Tutor Potential S.T.E.A.M Summer Camp | NJ
📆 [Mon-Fri 9am-5pm]
🗓️ [June 24- Aug 30]
🏫 Location: 1450 Parkside Ave, Suite 3, Philadelphia, PA 19121
🎉 Price: $499/week After May 1st | $399/week Before May 1st
🌟 Fuel your child's passion for S.T.E.A.M with dedicated counselors!

Join us for an unforgettable summer adventure! Register now and watch your child thrive! 🌈📚